Tuesday, February 11, 2014

To My Valentine

To the man I married:

You are kind and compassionate. You put others needs above your own, and have an innate sense of knowing when someone needs help but is afraid or too proud to ask.

You are a hard working man of integrity.  When no one else is dependable, you are the person who rises up and completes the task without expecting anything in return.

You make me laugh when no one else can.  When I take life too seriously and feel like I've lost the ability to smile or be silly, you remind me why laughter is so important.

You put your family before work. I know that when I'm too sick to get out of bed or something unexpected happens, you will be there.

You're an amazing father. You're not afraid to be completely goofy and childlike with our kids, and they smother you the minute you walk in the door.

You believe in me even when I don't believe in myself. You encourage me to pursue my God given dreams and use the talents and gifts He gave me. When I am negative and critical of myself, you remind me that with God I can move mountains.

You put God at the center of our marriage. You know that without the Creator of all things, including marriage, as our focus, we will always fall short. But with Him all things are possible.

My love, you are all these things and so much more. I thank God for bringing us together and look forward to all He has in store for us in the years to come. On Valentine's Day and every day, I love you for the incredible man you are.


  1. A beautiful tribute! It certainly sounds like the two of you have a very special relationship.
