Friday, August 16, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Small

It's Friday.  Where hundreds of writers come together every week over at the lovely Lisa-Jo Baker's blog to spend five minutes writing about one thing.  One word.  No hyper-editing.  No getting in your own way.  Just writing, flat out.  The most important rule: encourage the writer who linked up before you.  Won't you join us?

Today's prompt:  Small


Sometimes the steps I take seem small.  I wonder if I've somehow lost direction, or where I'm even going.  I ask myself if anyone notices.  Each decision in the every day job of mothering, however tedious.  Whether to correct my child or let him figure it out on his own.  Whether to let that snarky comment ruin my day.  Recognizing that sometimes a hug is all a boy needs.

In the shower is the water beats down my back, I pray.  I'm reminded of the connectedness.  How each decision, however minuscule it may seem, affects the greater whole.  Each stride, a stitch in this great canvas which is my life, and even though I don't see the beauty of it all now, God sees.  He is the beginning and the end.  He is outside of the confines of time.  Eternal.

When my prayers seem tiny, I remember they go before an infinite God.  How He takes faith the size of a mustard seed and uses it to move mountains.  When my goal seems distant, I remember the Spirit who is working through me.  When I forget why I continue to press forward, I remember the person who spoke to the lonely woman at the well.  Who took notice when no one else would.  Who healed the blind man who'd waited for years for a miracle he thought would never come.

This is my prize.  My end.  To take one small step each day, little by little, to become more like the One who humbled himself for a person so underserving, me.



  1. I love the last sentence. It is so important to take those small steps daily to become more like Him. Thank you for the great reminder! I'm enjoying reading some of your other posts too. Visiting from 5MF. :)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping here and for your encouraging words! I'm glad you're enjoying the other posts as well.

  2. Oh, I love this post and I can so relate! As the mama of 3 boys 4 and under it is a constant struggle to believe that all the small things that make up a long day matter. But I love what you say: God sees. Yes, He does! Thanks for the encouraging reminder. Blessings to you on the journey! (visiting from FMF)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Becky. There is never a dull moment as the mother of small boys, is there? ;) I feel so blessed to be part of this community.

  3. I love this, Abby. The shower is probably where I pray the most. Maybe because it's the one quiet place in my crazy house.

  4. Oh Beth, I thought I was the only one who prayed in the shower. So funny. And yes, it's one of those places I have a few moments of quiet... most of the time. ;) Thanks so much for stopping here.

  5. So beautiful! I loved reading your blog post. It's so important to put faith in God because He knows the "end." It's not the easiest thing, but it's really beneficial to us if we just let go and trust Him. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Thank you so much! You're right; it's not always easy but there's such a feeling of peace when we let go, isn't there? Hope you have a great week.
